R.I.P my Beautiful Nan
Well today I type trying to see through the tears of my sadness at the passing of my Beautiful Nan!!! She passed away on Wednesday afternoon surrounded by her loved one's in her home (the only one that I have ever known). I'm still not sure what I want to write but thought I'd just type what popped into my head!! I don't really have any childhood memories with Nan that I can remember but I'll share with you what I can!!! Nan had 8 children and I remember there being a boys room and girls room in the house!! The rooms were not huge but in the girls room there was two bunk beds and I think when we stayed there we slept on the fold up beds at the end of the bunks!! As I remember it was a bit of a squeeze but that may not have been the case!! Also in the girls room I remember there being all the board games up above the wardrobes and I had a look in that room just the other day and all those games are still up there!! :) Another thing I remember was locking myself in the toilet (that is outside). I don't remember who or how I got out or if I just ended up opening the door myself but I do know that now when I use that toilet I do not lock the door!! LOL!! Nan lives on a fair bit of land and I remember some of the animals she has had over the years - a sheep called BINGO, dogs, birds (of all sorts), turtles, cats, quails, chickens and ducks which she still has!! She has fruit trees all over the place and a wood pile that to me never went down!!! But Nan was always out chopping the wood right up until a few months ago when her health started to deteriorate!! Nan has always been a very independent woman as her husband (my Pa) died about 24 years ago (that may be wrong) She has always put others first and has always been very protective of her kids and grandkids!!! She never complained right throught her cancer treatments, always saying how good she was feeling and she did look fantastic. I was amazed each time I saw her, how well she looked. She didn't even complain towards the end when she was in pain, when she couldn't eat!!! We constantly asked her if she was ok, to tell us what she was thinking, if there was anything we could get and she constantly said no, she was fine... Even when my Auntie and I tried to sit her up a bit higher the other day we asked Nan if that felt better even though we knew we had only moved her a centimetre and she said yes she was fine until my Uncle walked in and he sat her up and she said AAAHHH that's better!!! We had a good laugh!!!
One of my fondest memories of Nan is her yummy cooking. She still has a wood fire oven and cook top and my two most favourite foods over the years were her roast potatoes and her Yummy apple pie!! I have her apple pie recipe but I've never ever been able to make it like Nan and I reckon it was all down to the oven and Nan's magic touch!!! If we had a family get together Nan would always make a couple of apple pies, it would be placed in front of me cos I always got to serve mine first and if there was any pie left then i would get offered it first!! And every now and then Nan would make an extra pie especially for me!!
Since Nan had been diagnosed with Breast cancer I made an extra effort to see her everytime I was in Geelong. I love calling in to see her and the boys loved seeing her and Uncle Antny too. Sometimes they were quick visits and other times we were there for a couple of hours even though the noise sometimes got to Nan (but of course just said "let them go - they're alright") I loved spending that time with Nan. I also loved the family get togethers nan organised twice a year just before Christmas and her birthday. It was nice catching up with the family some of who we don't get to see very often and just seeing Nan sitting back and taking it all in. I am going to keep these family get togethers going as I know Nan would love that. Family are very important to me as they were with Nan!!
My brother posted this poem on facebook the day nan passed away (which he found on the internet) but it was perfect for this solemn occasion.
Nan I am going to miss you so much as will the boys!!! May you now rest and be with your parents, Pa and your two beautiful children Maureen and Jenny!!! I LOVE YOU NAN with all my heart!!!!!! xxxxxxx